How well do you know your partner?
In this episode
We decided to test each other’s knowledge on how well we know each other 7 years into marriage and things got…interesting.
We put all the questions below so you can play with your spouse. Let us know in the comments who won and what your stakes were :)
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Before playing, set stakes… i.e. packing, dishes, laundry, jump in the pool, anything!
One at a time, ask each other questions below and see who knows more about each other.
Allow your partner 10 seconds to answer and then tell them if they’re right or wrong.
Each correct response is a point and the one with the most at the end wins!
What did we do on our first (or most recent) date?
What would my ideal morning look like, wake up time, meal routine
What is my favorite place I’ve traveled?
Would I prefer to do the dishes or laundry?
What is one of your favorite qualities about me?
What was my first job?
What is my love language?
Do I have any tattoos?
What is my biggest fear?
What did we do for Bachelor/Bachelorette parties?
What’s my biggest pet peeve?
What was my fav subject in school growing up?
Have I had any broken bones?
What is my least fav household chore?
Who is someone I really look up to?
What is my all time fav movie?
Name somewhere we’ve talked about traveling to but haven’t?
Do I consider myself an extrovert or introvert?
What’s my enneagram number?
My favorite dessert?
What did I want to be when I grew up?
Who knows me best, aside from you?
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