Hot Marriage. Cool Parents.
with Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner
about the pod
Are you looking for someone to share their deepest, darkest secrets on keeping their marriage spicy? Are you like, “puhhlease DISH on how to be a cool parent .. because, yeah ... I dunno!” Well Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner have got all you hubbies and wifeys - and mommies and daddies - covered, because each week they find a guest who will SPILL all their dirty secrets! Because we all wanna keep our marriages hot and our parenting cool!
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The Hosts
Jamie Otis Hehner and Doug Hehner met & married on the same day as strangers on season 1 of Lifetime TV’s Married At First Sight. Currently they reside in Florida with their two kids Henley & Hendrix.
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