FamilyMade Tips:
Getting out of the
“Roommate Phase”
FamilyMade Tips for Getting out of the “Roommate Phase”
Prioritize a weekly date night - This can be a dinner once a week or playing a game after the kids go to bed, It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, just make time to connect weekly.
Add intentionality to conversation - Dig deeper with your questions to find out how your spouse is really doing instead of keeping things surface level.
Swap Screen Time for Connection - Instead of watching a show or both being on your phones, connect through a shared activity, game, walk, or conversation.
Show Appreciation - Everyone needs validation, especially after having kids. Make it a point to encourage your spouse more often.
Surprise your spouse - Doing something out of the ordinary can help break out of the everyday monotony. It can be as simple as bringing them a cup of coffee at work to show you care.
Create a bucket list - Write down fun activities you’ve been wanting to try together and make time for one or two a month for starters!
Connect when you’re apart - Send them a quick text or leave them a message during the day letting them know you’re thinking of them.
Focus on your friendship - If you increase your friendship and emotional connection with your spouse, intimacy often follows.
Remember it’s just a season - Give yourself grace. Eventually you’ll find your routine with the baby and you’ll both find yourselves again!
Remember it’s not too late to strengthen your marriage - Getting out of the roommate phase takes work and won’t happen overnight. Carve out time for each other and we promise it’ll be worth it!
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